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Plankton’s founder celebrates

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SIMON LAW, the founder of Plankton Records is celebrating his 60th birthday today. So it’s a great big HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY SIMON!

Simon launched Plankton in 1978 when his (then) band SEA STONE had recorded an LP called “MIRRORED DREAMS” (available on all major download and streaming sites Worldwide – including iTunes and Amazon) but no-one wanted to release it, so Simon did it himself on his newly formed record label and the rest is our history!

Now a full time Vicar in deepest Essex, Simon is no longer involved in the day to day running of Plankton but he’s still a partner,  interested in all we do and very active on the accounting front.

He still loves to perform and entertain/communicate whenever possible and his band FRESH CLAIM (with loads of guests) will be appearing at his 60th Birthday bash this coming weekend – where lots of people from Plankton’s past and present will also be present. FRESH CLAIM’s music is available on all digital music download and streaming sites Worldwide and on CD from this very website. Have a look at the FRESH CLAIM artist page https://planktonrecord.wpengine.com/artists/fresh-claim/